A retirement plan exclusively for Housing Authorities

Year End W-2 Prep

Forms you need to help you prepare year end W2’s. 

401(a) Retirement Plan Employee Contributions After-Tax

Year End W-2 Preparation and memo for 401(a) Plan

Employer pay plan

Year End W-2 Preparation and memo for Employer Pay All Plan

414(h) (2) Retirement Plan Employee Contributions Pre-Tax

Year End W-2 Preparation and memo for 414(h)(2) Plan

414(h) (2) Retirement Plan with a Mandatory Contribution

Year End W-2 Preparation and memo for 414(h)(2) with Mandatory Plan

Explanation of PS58 Cost

Explanation of PS58 Cost  for Employer Pay All and 414(h)(2) Plans with Life Insurance

HART 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan

Year End W-2 Memo for HART 457(b) Plan

What’s New With HART?

HART News Flash
View Document

Management Fee Reductions for Vanguard Target Retirement Funds
View Document

Webinar from Financial Engines an Investment Advisory Service

Investing in a Volatile Market

Getting the Most from Your Retirement Plan

Important Plan Changes are coming to both the HART Retirement Plan and the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. Fees and expenses will be revised effective January 1, 2020. Please read the Important Plan Change Notice for all the details.

Information about compliance with IRS Limits for 2023-2025 is now available. These amounts usually change each year, and you can refer to this document to find the correct limits for the years 2022 through 2024.

New Enrollment Kit – documents and forms can now be found in one place. Access them here.

Are you wondering how or where to invest your funds? HART is joining forces with Financial Engines to help you find answers and solutions. Read the official announcement.

Reinventing Retirement